Carlos Hernández Mercado
學歷背景:Universidad Iberoamericana Philosophy Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Area of Expertise:
- Rhetoric – Rhetoric of Writing – Philosophy of Writing –Critical Race Theory – Rhetoric of Health and Medicine – Rhetoric of Academic Practices
1 / Book
1. Hernández Mercado, C. (2019). Philosophy of Writing: Steganographic Landscapes. CDMX: Universidad Iberoamericana. ISBN: 978-607-417-582-0t.
2 / Articles
1. Hernández Mercado, C. (2022). The ontology of the body: the borders of bodily smellscapes. In Designed Bodies. University Press Colombia/San Mateo.
2. Hernández Mercado, C. (2020). Can we live with the giant? The university epistemological machine. Revista de Filosofía. No. 149. Year 52, July-December. ISSN: 0185-3481.
3. Hernandez Mercado, C. (2011). Analytic fears: the meaning of secrets. In Artificium: Revista de Estudios Culturales y Análisis Conceptual. Argentina: Universidad de Salta.
4. Hernandez Mercado, C. (2008). Interaction theory as an explanation of folk psychology. In Psicología y Ciencias Sociales: Extensión Temática. Coord. Israel Grande-García y José Antonio Durand Alcántara, CDMX: UNAM.
5. Hernandez Mercado, C. (2006). Review of Goldman, A. I. (2006). Simulating Minds: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Mindreading, Oxford: Oxford University Press, in Signos Filosóficos, vol. X No. 19. UAM-I.
3 / Conference Papers
1. Hernandez Mercado, C. (Submitted). Medicalization and de-medicalization: International Students’ metaphorical constructions of their experiences with health care systems. (International Congress of the Spanish Society of Rhetoric).