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December 07th, 2024


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2024 元智大學國際語言文化中心/英語朗讀比賽得獎名單公告

December 6th, 2024

Look, how GOOD our IBSC students are!

Way to go, ladies! Stay active and take any challenges!!! We are so proud of you


November 22nd, 2024

創新競賽開啟!💡最高獎金6,000元等你來拿! 加入三天的挑戰,結合寓教於樂的課程與實戰競賽,鍛鍊你的邏輯思維、談判技巧與永續素養!快來與菁英青年一起引領變革,成為下一代的道德與永續領袖! 🏆

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November 08th, 2024



September 20th, 2024

2024年9月19日,IBSC為新生舉辦了歡迎派對,強調了融合、全球視野和戰略溝通。系主任 陳勁甫和多位老師鼓勵學生積極參與學術活動和國際交流。活動中有演講、茶點和互動環節,促進了學生之間的交流,激發了他們未來的成長與合作。


IBSC 2.0班聚活動

May 02nd, 2024

IBSC 經常舉辦班聚活動與系上學生聯絡感情了解學生大小事情。 5 月 2日,我們舉辦了活動,向各年級學生介紹我們的人文學院劉院長、IBSC 創始人中澤教授、新任 IBSC 主任陳勁甫 和新員工 Coach Johanson 、Carlos Mercado。介紹課程未來方向與調整、交換計畫,活動中也邀請學姊做日本交換分享!這些只是讓各年級更多地了解 IBSC 的一些方式並充分理解 IBSC 。


福岡大學 IBSC 暑期交換項目

April 25th, 2024


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元智大學培育全方位人才 人社院英語學士班首推跨領域學程

April 16th, 2024


元智人社院推創新學程 培養跨STEAM人才

April 16th, 2024


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元智學2024人社營 「人社AI咖」

March 18th, 2024

活動聯絡人:方詩晴小姐 (03)463-8800#2703

2024第一屆「Study Abroad In Taiwan」短影片徵稿競賽

February 20th, 2024



你是否準備好迎接一場文化探索和學術挑戰的旅程?2024年誠摯邀請您參加首屆「Study Abroad In Taiwan」短影片徵稿競賽!希望透過您的影片,呈現元智大學多元獨特的國際校園生活學習環境。

New Year Sign

Christmas Event at Bao-Sheng Elementary School Successfully Concluded

December 9th, 2023

We are delighted to have once again celebrated Christmas with the friends at Bao-Sheng Elementary School this year! 🎄

The fantastic performance by the Bao-Sheng Elementary School Student Council marked the beginning of the event 🎵 From the excitement before it started to the moments during the process, witnessing the children immersed in the Christmas atmosphere was undoubtedly the greatest reward for all of us 🌟

Thanks to everyone who participated; the efforts and contributions of all made the entire event run smoothly and created unforgettable Christmas moments for the kids! 🎁

Looking forward to more opportunities in the future to bring laughter and warmth to the children. Finally, thanks to everyone for their hard work and dedication! 🫶🏻

Bao-Sheng Elementary School, see you next year ✌🏻❤️


IBSC Fall 2023 Gender Equality Activity

November 22nd, 2023

Aimed chiefly at encouraging inclusiveness, diversity, and gender equality and fostering a sense of heightened unity, cohesion, and belonging amongst YZU IBSC first-year students, the event featured a riveting workshop performance delivered by Director Teresa Chen, Brand Activation Lead at Mars-Wrigley Asia.

How to Use Your IBSC Experience to Land Your Dream Job

November 15th, 2023

Coach Johanson and the YZU IBSC Student Association organized, arranged and executed the EMI-PBL Activity "How to Use Your IBSC Experience to Land Your Dream Job” in efforts of welcoming, showing concern for and honoring this year’s incoming IBSC first-year student body.


Objectives included fostering familiarity, reflecting on YZU’s core concepts and sharing upperclass-mate students’ experiences to help our new students navigate their own IBSC learning journeys.


IBSC Fall 2023 Open House Activity

May 27th, 2023

IBSC frequently holds team building events to welcome new students to our family. On October 4th, we held an Open House to introduce students to our College of Arts & Humanities Dean Liu, the IBSC Founder Professor Nakazawa, our new IBSC Director Coach Johanson and our new staff members Carlos Mercado, as well as our IT guru Razat Kharga. These are just some of the ways new students can get to know more about IBSC so they can make new friends and get the most out of the IBSC experience.

Commencement Speaker at
2023 YZU graduation ceremony

May 27th, 2023

We are incredibly proud of our IBSC students! One of our seniors, Owen, had the honor of being the commencement speaker, representing the entire senior class at the commencement ceremony held on May 27th. It was a moment of immense pride for his mom as she listened to his speech and received a bouquet on the stage.

AWESOME! We are so proud of our students!!!


Valedictorian Speech at
GAO graduation ceremony

May27th,  2023

One of our foreign senior students, Nickki, delivered the Valedictorian Speech at The Global Affairs Office International Students Graduation Ceremony on May 27th. We are incredibly proud of our IBSC students, as two of them had the honor of representing their fellow graduates and sharing their inspiring speeches.

AWESOME! We are so proud of our students!!!

Master's program in Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (NCU)

May22nd, 2023

One of our former students, Mar, has been admitted to the Master's program in Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (, National Central University.

As she worked as a research assistant, she developed her interest in neuroscience and motion control and decided to study further.  She is still thinking, but may study abroad in order to pursue her Ph.D.  We hope that she will come back to our program as a faculty member in the future!

AWESOME! We are so proud of our students!!!

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花Young元智 Open Day實體活動

April 6th, 2023

YZU is holding Open House on April 15th (Sat).
If you're interested in learning more about IBSC or know someone who may be interested. Kindly register in the link first before deadline 4.12.2023, Wednesday,12 pm.

Registration link

We are looking forward to seeing many people next week!
*Feel free to share this with high school students!

For more details click the link below!

Winners of 2023 YZU's Got Talent

March 30th, 2023

The competition was held on March 19th, 2023.
This time, five of IBSC students performed well.
We are so PROUD of IBSC students!!!  We have so many talents!

Congratulations IBSC juniors, Allen, Sharron, Julia, and Hazel for Spoken Words, and a freshman, Kristin, for Singing!!!

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March 16th, 2023

One of IBSC graduates is sharing her experiences at YZU in this video. You will find one of our IBSC teacher, Professor Razat Kharga, teaching a computer programming class too.  

Click the link below to watch the video.

Multi-lingual Tea Hour

March 15th, 2023

Many students joined our Multi-lingual Tea Hour. Feel free to join us from 12:30 to 14:00 on Wednesdays and use English, Chinese, Japanese, and other languages to make friends! 


IBSC x UIUC exchange

March 10th, 2023

Long awaited GOOD news for IBSC students!  We are going to send UIUC up to four students in Spring, 2024!  This is our exclusive exchange program with University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.  Only IBSC students get to take this great advantage. 

First IBSC Alumni Reunion:

March 4th, 2023

Our very first alumni reunion was held on the 4th of March.  13 graduates came back, and Dean also stopped by to give them a warm welcome.  It was great and fun to see many IBSC alumni.  Hope we can hold it next year and help our alumni expand their network!


Athletic Meet

March 4th, 2023

YZU 34th anniversary celebration was held on the 4th of March.  There were many activities including concerts, food vendors, and athletic meet.  IBSC freshmen did so well and got the first place in three games!  Way to go, guys!!!


February 28th, 2023


YZU is holding an information session of all the departments. IBSC will introduce our program from 11:00 am till 11:30 am.
Please join us!

Click link to know more

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Peer Advisors

February 18th, 2023

As you know, IBSC students are required to take various courses from diverse disciplines.  Of course, it is NOT an easy task for our students, especially freshmen.  In order to help our students adapt to college education and overcome difficulties, such as using English to study various subjects and learning how to learn new subjects, Peer Advisors, Ms. Spidey Hsieh and Ms. Cheryl Lee, will be in R5733 on Wednesdays, from 12:00 till 14:00.  If you have any questions regarding required courses, English, or anything, feel free to stop by, ask them, and learn from your mentors!

Tea Hour

February 17th, 2023

Are you interested in chatting with foreign students in multiple languages like English, Japanese, and Chinese?  IBSC now offers students a great opportunity to use multi-languages to chat with students from various departments over coffee/tea, to learn multi-languages from native speakers, and to teach Chinese to foreign students.  If you are interested, no need to make an appointment.  Just swing by R5723 and join us anytime!

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YZU International Academy

January 11th, 2023

We are so delighted to share good news.  The new division of YZU, International Academy, started operating to offer more help, support, and resources to students in all the international programs in YZU.

Check the link below!!

International Bachelor in
Strategic Communication

January 1st, 2023

We are very excited to share the news regarding the recent evolution of our department and will also be informed about the benefits of this change. We are happy to let you know that our department name will change from [English Bachelor of Strategic Communication (EBSC)] to [International Bachelor in Strategic communication (IBSC)] on [1/1/2023], after the approval by Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council, Taiwan.

This change of our department's name will allow us to present ourselves as the most innovative and better representation of our initiatives. Our department will strive with highest priority in providing quality education.

Henceforth, all activities will be undertaken using the IBSC name.


information session

December30th, 2022

Yes, we nailed another information session "元智大學111學年度拓涯共創合作論壇" for high school principals! Thank you so much, Meimei, EBSC former students, Ruby and Moses, and seniors, Cynthia and Riley!!!

EBSC approved by Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council

December29th, 2022

EBSC has been officially approved by Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會)!
We couldn't make it without the help from so many people supporting us constantly like Ms. Chiang, Ms. Wu, Ms. Lee, all the EBSC teachers and students!!!
Thank you so much, and hope EBSC keeps growing and shining!
Have a wonderful new year!!!


Winners of 2022 YZU English Reading Contest-- 2022 /元智大學國際語言文化中心/英語朗讀比賽得獎名單公告

December14th, 2022

Look, how GOOD our EBSC students are!
Way to go, ladies! Stay active and take any challenges!!! We are so proud of you.

EBSC Christmas Celebration at
Baosheng Elementary School 2022

December10th, 2022

EBSC Christmas celebration tradition with elementary school continues this holiday season with great enthusiasm.



Bachelor of Arts in English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Employment Tracking Situation.

Download the full report below.

APU Japan Short Exchange Program

November27th-December2nd, 2022

Six EBSC students along with Director Prof. Kazuaki Nakazawa recently visited the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU; 立命館亞洲太平洋大學) for two days.

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Ex Student Visit

November 2nd, 2022

We were so thrilled and proud to have our own former students as guest speakers.
Jessica and Cleo, the first batch of EBSC students, came back to share their experiences in EBSC and in their current workplaces.  They emphasized the importance of soft skills as opposed to hard skills, and our current students seem to be inspired very much.


It is indescribable with words to see our graduates further advanced their abilities and attitudes and grew mature and independent after graduating from EBSC, YZU.

UIUC Advertising

October 12th, 2022

We had a special guest, Ms. Amy Tseng, on the 12th of October, 2022.  She shared her experiences in YZU, AIT (internship), and UIUC (currently studying) to inspire our EBSC students.

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Tea Party

September 21st, 2022

EBSC Student Association held a tea party to welcome our freshmen!  It seems that our freshmen are VERY active as usual.  We sincerely hope that they will enjoy their study and life in EBSC, YZU.

Outstanding Student Organization Award

September 13th, 2022

You guys deserve this award.  We are so proud of our EBSC students!  Show others what you can do and keep shining!!!  We also greatly appreciate our former SA students who trained their junior friends. They are GOOD mentors.


Graduation day, 2022

May 28th, 2022

Time flies! Our second group of students graduated last weekend.

Congratulations!!! We are so proud of you guys and wish you ALL THE BEST!!! Bon voyage!

A couple of students who missed their graduation last year due to COVID also came back and had a physical commencement.

Thank you, EBSC Student Association, for giving our seniors this AWESOME gift and memory, too!

YZU's got talent!

May 25th, 2022

Three EBSC sophomores performed WELL on 2022 YZU’s got talent (Oral Expression Group) held on May 25th, 2022!!!
Congrats!  We are so proud of you, Spidey, Allen, and Julia!  Way to go, guys!!!



Open-ended Story Contest!!!

April 22nd, 2022

Congratulations to the EBSC finalists of the Winners of 2022 Open-ended Story Contest!!!

Sandra, Paisley, Gino, and Nick, great try!  Hope you guys learned a lot from this contest!

Dig2 into the World

March 23rd, 2022

An activity was organized during "the week of Humanities and Social Sciences". This past week, our EBSC department held a charity event in the campus premises to attract YZU fraternity to let them know about our department and have fun joining us to participate in lots of fun games and activities. 

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YZU 33rd Anniversary Celebration

March 5th, 2022

On March 5th YZU celebrated its 33rd Anniversary, and the Annual Athletic Meet was held on the same day.  Our EBSC team did well on three events, and one of the EBSC freshmen stood 6th position on the Female 100m Race.  EBSC Rocks!  Way to go, guys!!!

EBSC departmental luncheon 2022

March 2nd, 2022

We had a departmental luncheon on March 2nd, 2022, to meet our students and ask them how they’re doing in terms of their studies and lives.

EBSC teachers (Professor Lin, Professor Wang, Professor Kao, and Professor Guo) from three other departments (Dept. of Social and Political Sciences, Dept. of Foreign Languages, and Dept. of Art & Design) kindly made time to join us and meet their advisees


Winners of 2021 YZU English Reading Contest:!!

December 15th, 2021

Congratulations to all the winners of the 2021 YZU English Reading Contest!

We are so PROUD of our EBSC students!

5 out of 10 winners in Advanced Group A are our EBSC students.


As you can tell from the picture, our students are active, brave, and well-motivated to take new challenges to further improve themselves.


We are so glad and proud to share the very first AWESOME news this year!

March 2nd, 2021

We are so glad and proud to share the very first AWESOME news this year! One of our seniors has been admitted to the graduate program in College of Big Data Management at Soochow University

EBSC Students Bring a warm Christmas to Baosheng Elementary school

December 22nd 2020

The English class of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of Yuan Ze University said today that they went to Baosheng Elementary School in Taoyuan City last week to hold the "2020 Christmas English and You Are Warm" Christmas event, using English to drive games, allowing children to learn interesting English and experience internationalization. Have fun, and learn practical English words and phrases, to brighten the way of English learning for children in remote areas.


Ichiro Nakazawa, the head teacher of the English School of Human Society, said that in the third year of the English School, the English School sent Christmas warmth and gifts to the students at Baosheng Elementary School. With the participation of English School students from different countries, the students could get in touch with foreign students to broaden their horizons and broaden their knowledge. .


Parents Day

November 27th, 2021

Five of our graduates came back to share their experiences in EBSC with the freshmen and their parents.

We were so touched by how much they appreciated what they had learned in EBSC at YZU.


December 3rd. 2021

We just concluded the"110 Academic Year EBSC Information Session" for Nei-Li Senior High School.

Riley and Rainie from the junior year and Amanda, Spidey, and Fanny from the sophomore year came forward to share their experiences about EBSC.

We are hopeful some of them will come to join us next year!


First time to meet our freshmen in the 1091 academic year

September 7th, 2020

We first met our freshmen on Sept. 7th, 2020.
Hope they will have a wonderful YZU life and learn a lot in our program!!!

Get in Touch

4th place in the 108-year Principal Cup Tug of War

June 9th, 2020

Our EBSC team won the 4th place in the 108-year Principal Cup Tug of War.

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EBSC Student Association did it again!

June 8th, 2020

EBSC Student Association received the Outstanding Student Association Award of 2020.  Our students always try to do their best at anything.  We are so proud of them! 
Three EBSC students (+1) performed on the stage as well.  They sang a Japanese song from Hikaru Utada to stir up the crowd.

5 winners in 2020 YZU's Got Talent!

April 25th, 2020

5 EBSC students won prizes in 2020 YZU's Got Talent!  We are so proud of them!!!  You can check out their videos.

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Our very first cohort of EBSC students studying abroad at UIUC

January 9th, 2020

We just saw off our very first cohort of EBSC students studying abroad at UIUC on the 9th of January, 2020, at Tao Yuan International Airport.  Hope they will experience many new things and learn about other cultures.
The three EBSC students will share their experiences at UIUC soon!

 With EBSC, Christmas can be far more cheerful!

December 24th, 2019

This year’s Christmas Eve, Yuan Ze University EBSC students brought their handmade Christmas cards and gifts to Taoyuan Guanyin Bosheng elementary school to celebrate Christmas together.
These students, guided by Programming and Design class’s professor, Jeffrey Sebastian, the EBSC’s Director, Kazuaki Nakazawa, and the EBSC’s Trilingual Assistant, Annie Wu, use the skills taught in the class and also their creativity to make beautiful cards by themselves.

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The Holiday Season

December 1, 2019

The holiday season has officially arrived!

Have you read the newspaper from College of Humanities and Social Sciences (人文情報誌) yet?

November 27th, 2019
You have to check this out!


EBSC Hot Pot Party ended successfully

November 27th, 2019

EBSC Hot Pot Party ended successfully on 27th Nov 2019. The main goal of this activity was to enhance the relationships among the students in the EBSC department.

EBSC's Halloween party

November 1, 2019

We hosted our own Halloween party before “Hollow’s eve” arrived. The scary part wasn’t the upcoming day of the dead but the midterm examinations that are just around the corner.


Recognition event

September 30, 2019

This time, there are more people in this event! We had a two-stage recognition activity! After entering the venue, let sophomores stood on the stage, and freshmen raised their hands to find their own sophomores then arrange the group.

The Six-Departments Joint Camp, A Big Success!

September 20, 2019

The biggest event of the year has come to an end, this year we collaborated with the other five different departments from YZU to hold the freshman camp.


Freshmen Welcome Party

September 15, 2019

We almost forgot how much fun we had in the freshman welcome party, we had prepared some introduction to our department and student association. Not to mention activities, picking seniors, and most importantly we allow freshmen to become more familiar with their future classmates, which is also our main purpose of this welcome party.

EBSC Student Club Wins Award!

July 30, 2019

by Ruby Sun (Junior)

(03)4638800 ext. 2732

No. 135, Yuandong Rd, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, 320

IBSC Main Office: R70201 (Building 7, 2nd floor)
Secretary: Ms. You Tzu Liu (
Director: Professor Chen, Ching-Pu (

©2024 by International Bachelor in Strategic Communication.  | Yuan Ze University | All rights reserved | Razat Kharga IT Manager

*This website was orginally designed and managed by Jeffrey "Bear" Sebastian (2017-2020)

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